{"id":600,"date":"2016-12-13T16:46:37","date_gmt":"2016-12-13T16:46:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/?p=600"},"modified":"2018-07-20T19:30:53","modified_gmt":"2018-07-20T19:30:53","slug":"best-phlebotomy-training-in-dallas","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/best-phlebotomy-training-in-dallas\/","title":{"rendered":"Where to Get the Best Phlebotomy Training in Dallas, Texas"},"content":{"rendered":"

Because phlebotomy has become such a popular career choice, there are excellent training courses all over the country. While digital courses are becoming increasingly popular<\/a><\/strong>, it is still better to start\u00a0a hands-on training program. That leaves many people wondering where to get the best phlebotomy training in Dallas.<\/p>\n

When you\u2019re deciding on a training course, there are a few things to consider. First, it\u2019s important to determine how much time you can put into a course each week. Some courses are designed for people who already have full-time jobs. In those cases, they\u2019ll typically only meet once a week, usually in the evenings. Other courses are a bit more streamlined. They allow you to complete your training in weeks.<\/p>\n

Keep in mind that you can still go through a Dallas training facility to take online courses, too. All of these options are viable in becoming a phlebotomist<\/strong><\/a> on your schedule. As we take a closer look at some of the best phlebotomy training programs, consider those options, and how they might work best for you.<\/p>\n

What Are The Best Phlebotomy Training Programs in Dallas?<\/h2>\n

Each of the training programs listed here offers different things. From the hours you\u2019re expected to attend, to scheduling, cost, etc. We\u2019ll cover factors to consider so you can make the right\u00a0decision for your personal life, your family, and your future career. First, you should know what\u2019s expected to train to become a phlebotomist.<\/p>\n

Phlebotomy is considered an entry-level job<\/strong><\/a>. Because of this, almost anyone can get the training needed to start a fulfilling career. You must be at least 18 years old to start a program. You also need to have received either a high school diploma or equivalent GED. Some individual programs do have more requirements. However, these are the basics, and they can get you started. If you have all the proper prerequisites, it\u2019s time to consider some of the different training programs.<\/p>\n

Brookhaven College<\/h3>\n

Brookhaven\u2019s Phlebotomy program is about as traditional as can be. It is a 90-hour course. However, it\u2019s designed for multiple groups of people – those currently looking to start a career, and those looking for a change. That\u2019s why they offer morning\u00a0and evening sessions once a week.<\/p>\n

In this particular course, students will learn medical terminology, best lab practices, anatomy, and how to draw blood<\/strong><\/a>. The classroom setting will cover everything from professionalism to safety.<\/p>\n

This Brookhaven\u00a0program<\/strong><\/a> also features a hands-on portion, which allows students to practice drawing blood. It also teaches students how to handle different specimens, especially in a lab setting. A specific number of successful venipunctures (blood draws) are needed to complete the course.<\/p>\n

At about $1200 for the entire course, it\u2019s a great solution for people who are looking for a new career.<\/p>\n

CCI Training Center<\/h3>\n

The CCI Training Center is a bit different from other colleges and facilities. It prepares its students for two different medical careers at once: Phlebotomy technician<\/strong><\/a>, and lab technician. You can choose the part-time training program, lasting just 49 weeks.<\/p>\n


In addition to standard phlebotomy training practices, students will go above and beyond to learn lab procedures. This includes everything from training in medical software, to pharmacology. If you\u2019re considering a long-term career in the medical field, the CCI Training Center<\/strong><\/a>\u00a0is a great place to start.<\/p>\n

Texas School of Phlebotomy<\/h3>\n

Located in Mansfield, this compact school receives a lot of praise and positive reviews from its students. It\u2019s an independent organization, but also receives a high rating from the Better Business Bureau<\/a><\/strong>. If you\u2019re looking for a program entirely focused on one thing, you\u2019ll find it here.<\/p>\n

The Texas School of Phlebotomy<\/strong><\/a> offers a standard six-week training program. In those six weeks, students will go through lecture discussions and practical fieldwork. Their hands-on method allows students to practice venipuncture on other students in the class. Of course, this is all done under the proper supervision. It\u2019s this direct approach to hands-on learning that prepares trainees for real-world situations.<\/p>\n

One of the biggest benefits of this program is the aftermath. As the school grows in popularity, it continues to become more reputable with local medical facilities. Because of that, it can be a big benefit to your resume. In fact, upon completion of the course, the staff here will help you with your job search.<\/p>\n

Additionally, the Texas School of Phlebotomy offers a four-week program. This is designed for students who have some medical experience already. They offer a wide varied schedule for their courses. It\u2019s specifically designed to fit the needs of people with multiple schedules and lifestyles. The course is also fairly inexpensive, at just under $1000.<\/p>\n


Considerations When Choosing a Training Program<\/h4>\n

Texas is experiencing major growth in the phlebotomy field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it has the second-best job outlook for phlebotomists<\/strong><\/a> in the country. Phlebotomy is an industry on the rise. As technology continues to advance, medical facilities are constantly in need of quality phlebotomists. And that starts with the proper training and certification. Whether you work in a hospital, clinic or private practice, the right training can make your resume stand out.<\/p>\n

As you\u2019re making a final decision on your training, you need to consider your lifestyle and commitments.<\/p>\n

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Factors to keep in mind include:<\/p>\n