{"id":58,"date":"2018-03-30T09:40:48","date_gmt":"2018-03-30T09:40:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/?p=58"},"modified":"2018-07-20T18:07:07","modified_gmt":"2018-07-20T18:07:07","slug":"phlebotomy-training-basics","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/phlebotomy-training-basics\/","title":{"rendered":"What Are the Phlebotomy Training Basics?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Many people are interested in a career in phlebotomy because it can take less than a year to complete training. You don’t always need a college degree or years of schooling to become a phlebotomist. You can learn the phlebotomy basics in just a matter of months.<\/p>\n

You may already have a basic phlebotomy knowledge. Most people know that it’s the practice of drawing blood<\/a><\/strong>. But, when you sign up for a training course, you end up learning there is a lot more to this career than what you might initially think.<\/p>\n

Understanding the phlebotomy procedures and how to work with patients correctly is essential. It takes the right kind of person to become a good phlebotomist. But, if you’re interested in it as a profession, it’s one of the best entry-level medical jobs available that doesn’t take a lot of training.<\/p>\n

But, what can you expect when you sign up for phlebotomy training? The basics are covered quickly. Then, you can choose whether you want to become a certified phlebotomist<\/a><\/strong>. The entire process can be a great stepping stone to a career in medicine. Or, you can make a lifelong career out of being a great phlebotomist. It all starts with the right training and learning the essentials.<\/p>\n

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What Should I Expect from Phlebotomy Training?<\/h2>\n

This guide will cover everything you need to know about phlebotomy training and what you should expect. If you have an interest in becoming a phlebotomist, it’s important to know what you’ll be doing during your training period. It’s also important to know why these different aspects of training are essential. Being able to use them in the ‘real world’ is the ultimate test for a good phlebotomist.<\/p>\n

There are different parts of phlebotomy training basics to be aware of. Understanding will be expected of you can help you make an informed decision about becoming a phlebotomist.<\/p>\n

Can Anyone Become a Phlebotomist?<\/h3>\n

If you decide to start training to be a phlebotomist, no prior college courses or experience in medicine is needed. Since it’s an entry-level job, almost anyone is qualified to take a training program for this particular career field.<\/p>\n

It does take a high school diploma or GED equal to sign up for a phlebotomy training course. Even if you didn’t have the best grades in high school, it’s okay. But, you need to do well enough to pass and receive your diploma or its equal.<\/p>\n

You are also required to be at least 18 years old to sign up for a phlebotomy training course. This makes it an excellent option for anyone just graduating high school and looking for a successful career path right away. College isn’t always an option for recent graduates. Phlebotomy training lets you learn a specific job in less than a year and starts you on the road to a lifelong career.<\/p>\n

Though it’s not necessary, you might have an easier time during training if you enjoy things like chemistry and biology. People interested in phlebotomy may also excel with certain personality traits.<\/p>\n

These include things like:<\/p>\n