{"id":315,"date":"2016-07-07T16:26:26","date_gmt":"2016-07-07T16:26:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/?p=315"},"modified":"2018-09-14T16:40:53","modified_gmt":"2018-09-14T16:40:53","slug":"what-is-a-phlebotomy-technician","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/what-is-a-phlebotomy-technician\/","title":{"rendered":"What is a Phlebotomy Technician?"},"content":{"rendered":"

A phlebotomy technician is typically an interchangeable job title for a phlebotomist. Phlebotomy technicians have several important roles in the phlebotomy field that starts with interacting with a patient and ends in the laboratory. In between, a phlebotomy technician will have to go through several job tasks each day to make sure they\u2019re getting their job done correctly, efficiently, and safely.<\/p>\n

So, what is a phlebotomy technician? In this article, we\u2019ll cover not only what they do\u00a0on a day-to-day basis, but the training required to become one, how much you can expect to make, and the difference between a phlebotomy technician and phlebotomist. If you\u2019ve ever been interested in a career in phlebotomy<\/strong><\/a>, you\u2019ll find the\u00a0answers here.<\/p>\n

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What Does a Phlebotomy Technician Do?<\/h3>\n

Because of the ever-growing demands of the healthcare field, thanks to advancements in technology, and new medical breakthroughs, becoming a technician is starting to be a career that appeals to many people. You don\u2019t even have to have any prior experience in the medical field.\u00a0 But, it\u2019s important to know ahead of time what you\u2019re getting into before you begin any job, and starting a career as a phlebotomy technician, although rewarding, is no different.<\/p>\n

You\u2019ll have a wide variety of jobs that deal primarily with patients, and lab work. Both are equally important to the integrity and success of your work, and when you\u2019re handling medical information of any kind, you could be saving lives in every moment. There isn\u2019t one aspect of the job that\u2019s more important than another when people\u2019s general health and well-being is at stake.<\/p>\n

You are technically considered to be a laboratory expert. Your main job, every day, is to obtain blood samples from patients and submit them to the lab for analyzing. Are you looking for something more specific? The National Phlebotomy Association<\/strong><\/a> lists out the duties\u00a0of a phlebotomy technician or phlebotomist:<\/p>\n