{"id":1795,"date":"2018-05-10T18:33:33","date_gmt":"2018-05-10T18:33:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/?p=1795"},"modified":"2018-07-20T17:50:29","modified_gmt":"2018-07-20T17:50:29","slug":"phlebotomy-training-georgia","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/phlebotomy-training-georgia\/","title":{"rendered":"Phlebotomy Training in Georgia: A Look at the Top 3 Places to Study"},"content":{"rendered":"

Phlebotomy is a booming career in Georgia. Medical facilities need phlebotomists to join their team. Taking an accredited course gives you a high chance of landing a job in a major city, such as Atlanta.<\/p>\n

No matter where you choose to get your training, you’ll learn many of the fundamentals of phlebotomy. Georgia doesn’t require certification<\/strong><\/a>, but it can still be incredibly helpful to your future career.<\/p>\n

Getting certified in the \u2018Peach State\u2019 can give you a head start when you\u2019re looking for an entry-level position as a phlebotomist. Employers want phlebotomists with experience. Even though certification only takes a few extra weeks, it lets employers know you’re serious about embarking on this career.<\/p>\n

Before you get certified and start to look for jobs, though, you need to focus on your training. Choosing an accredited program that will give you the resources you need for a successful phlebotomy career in Georgia is the right way to get started.<\/p>\n

What Will I Learn from Phlebotomy Training in Georgia?<\/h2>\n

This guide will look at three of the best places to train for phlebotomy in the Peach State.<\/p>\n

By going to one of these training facilities, you’ll have a head start in your phlebotomy career. You’ll also have the opportunity to get certification and better your chances of landing a job (with higher pay!).<\/p>\n

Is Phlebotomy Certification Worthwhile?<\/h3>\n

As stated above, you don’t need to become a certified phlebotomist<\/strong><\/a> in the state of Georgia.<\/p>\n

So, why bother going through the extra training and taking an exam? First, there is no guarantee that it won’t eventually be required. If it is ever needed, you’ll already be one step ahead.<\/p>\n

Even though there is a shortage of phlebotomists<\/strong><\/a>, medical facilities are unlikely to hire you right away after training. Many facilities offer extra on-the-job training because they want to make sure you have enough experience. But, getting certified after your training program can help.<\/p>\n

Certification will mean that you\u2019re more comfortable when working in a medical facility. The more confident you are in your job, the easier it will be for you to perform your duties.<\/p>\n

Certification can allow you to start your phlebotomy job with a higher salary. So, not only will you be better placed to get hired, but you\u2019ll also be more likely to get employed at a higher pay rate.<\/p>\n

If you’re investing your time and money into phlebotomy training in Georgia, it’s worth it to go the extra mile and get certified. It looks great on your phlebotomy resume<\/strong><\/a> and doesn’t take long to achieve!<\/p>\n

What Traits Should a Phlebotomist Have?<\/h3>\n

It doesn’t matter if you’re in Savannah, Atlanta, or in an entirely different state. The characteristics and skills a phlebotomist should have are the same across the board.<\/p>\n

Before you start a training program in Georgia, you should make sure you’re a good fit for this type of career.<\/p>\n


Some of the most critical skills a phlebotomist should are as follows:<\/p>\n

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