{"id":1378,"date":"2018-01-09T16:49:47","date_gmt":"2018-01-09T16:49:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/?p=1378"},"modified":"2018-07-20T18:47:07","modified_gmt":"2018-07-20T18:47:07","slug":"phlebotomy-classes-in-alabama","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/phlebotomyexaminer.com\/phlebotomy-classes-in-alabama\/","title":{"rendered":"Phlebotomy Classes in Alabama: 3 Best Courses & State Requirements"},"content":{"rendered":"

Phlebotomy is one of the fastest-growing careers in healthcare. It is an entry-level position that often requires less than a year of training. Of course, there are degree courses in phlebotomy<\/strong><\/a> that can give you a leg up on the competition. Some requirements are the same throughout the country, but it’s important to know state requirements as well. In Alabama, some of the best phlebotomy classes are in bigger cities like Birmingham.<\/p>\n

Phlebotomy has become a popular job because more people need their blood drawn than ever before. This is due to an aging population and more tests that can be performed with a blood draw. It takes an organized and personable individual to be a phlebotomist in Alabama.<\/p>\n

Requirements on a state-by-state basis<\/a><\/strong> are slightly different. Alabama is one of the states that doesn’t currently need certification. That means you can complete your training in months.<\/p>\n

Going to the right training facility is important. Because phlebotomists are in such high demand, you’ll want to make sure your training program is at a respectable location. You’ll also want to be sure you have all the requirements necessary to get hired right away.<\/p>\n

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What to Expect When Training for Phlebotomy in Alabama<\/h3>\n

This guide will cover some of the best phlebotomy classes in the heart of Dixie. Not all phlebotomy training programs are created equally. The field is competitive right now. You’ll want to choose the best class possible, depending on your location.<\/p>\n

We’ll also go over what you can expect as a phlebotomist in Alabama, and what will be required of you. This includes training requirements, and what will be expected on a daily basis after you’ve been hired.<\/p>\n

Phlebotomists can find work everywhere from busy hospitals to small clinics. The work you do will be similar no matter where you work, so you should be prepared to handle almost any type of environment.<\/p>\n

Phlebotomy Certification Requirements for Alabama<\/h3>\n

Alabama is one of the states where this type of certification isn’t necessary. You can become a qualified phlebotomist<\/strong><\/a> and get hired almost anywhere with less than a year of training.<\/p>\n

But, just because it isn’t required doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue your training and get certified. More and more states are requiring it. There is no guarantee that Alabama won’t eventually need it. Getting your certification now will put you in a better position, and you’ll be one step ahead if it ever does become a necessity.<\/p>\n

Some employers may prefer phlebotomists with certification. It could make a big difference in how quickly you get hired, and whether you get chosen over another potential employee. For now, it’s your choice whether you want to get certified or not. But, if it’s something you’re interested in, make sure wherever you train offers it as an option.<\/p>\n

What Can I Expect from a Training Program?<\/h3>\n

The main goal of a phlebotomy training program in the state is to teach students the skill of blood drawing<\/strong><\/a>. This is called venipuncture. There are different venipuncture techniques that will be taught throughout the class.<\/p>\n

Most phlebotomy classes in Alabama will have two parts. The first part will be in a classroom setting. This is where students will learn the art of drawing blood. They will also cover medical terms, as well as lab and general safety rules. It’s important for a phlebotomist to be incredibly organized, so the classroom is a great place to hone those skills.<\/p>\n

In the classroom, you’ll also likely learn things like CPR. Certification in CPR may be required to complete some classes.<\/p>\n

The second part of the training will be a more hands-on experience. Completing a training program in Alabama will cause you to perform a certain amount of successful blood draws. These are either done on fellow students or on a volunteer basis.<\/p>\n

Some classes will finish up with an externship. These are great opportunities for students who will be looking for work immediately after they complete training. Because phlebotomists are in such high demand, completing an externship at a hospital can make it easier to get a job there.<\/p>\n

Even with certification, an accredited phlebotomy training program will take less than a year. If you want a career in healthcare but don’t want to spend years going to school, becoming a phlebotomist is a great option that can lead to a lifelong successful career.<\/p>\n

If you’re looking for the best place to take phlebotomy classes in Alabama, look no further. Keep reading to learn a bit more about some of the best schools and training programs in the state.<\/p>\n

Why Does Phlebotomy Certification Matter?<\/h3>\n

Even though Alabama doesn’t need certification, it matters. Yes, it looks better on a resume<\/a><\/strong> and will probably put you ahead of the competition. But, that’s not the only reason getting your certification in phlebotomy is important.<\/p>\n

Certification is important because it tells potential employers that you’re dedicated to your position. It also states that you’ve met all the requirements necessary to be a highly qualified phlebotomist. That’s not only a great way to get hired, but it’s one of the best ways to advance your career as a phlebotomist, or in medicine in general.<\/p>\n

There are different certification organizations to consider. It’s important to choose the right one for your state.<\/p>\n

Some questions you can keep in mind include:<\/p>\n